Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Magic Markers

Dorathea received a package one day in the mail from my mother. We opened it and found, along with new clothes and toys, there was a set of magic markers. She immediately asked for some blank paper on which to use her new markers.
Then, I noticed that she was not actually marking on the paper, but repeatedly waving the marker over the page. With a frustrated look she tried it again. Then she put the cap back on that marker, took out another one, and again waived that one over the page. The frustrated look returned.
Unable to contain my mounting curiosity, I asked, "Dorathea, what are you doing?" She replied, "These markers aren't magic! They're just regular markers! [loud sigh]"

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Knock Knock

I was deep in an intellectually stimulating conversation with Dorathea (4) and Jonathan (18m) at the dinner table, just the 3 of us, one evening. Dorathea had been launching knock-knock jokes at me, when suddenly she decided to launch one at her little brother. "Jonathan! - Knock, knock?" Having the restricted vocabulary of a 1-and-a-half-year-old, he replied, "Boo, beh." Without the slightest hesitation, Dorathea continues, "Interrupting cow." Jonathan [?]asked, "dah doo la dah mah da...." - "MOOOOOOO!" Dorathea interjected, and erupted into little-girl hysterics. Jonathan smiled and squealed loudly.
I think I laughed harder than they did.

Treasure in jars of clay

"For God who made the light shine in the darkness let his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show this all-surpasing power is from God and not from us." 2 Corinthians 4:6+7  -our study verse today
She made this playdough "Jar of clay"  for the light of Christ to shine in. "Do you know where God puts his treasure Dorathea?".  "On the pirate ship with the map?"

Friday, July 16, 2010

Counting my blessings and you are most of them

1.  That my son has the vigor and health to cry loudly (right now)
2. 2 children that love each other
3. A reading husband
4. A sweet shelter from the storm
5. An abundance of fresh food to feed my family (and bunnies)
6. Homemade Apple pie
7. Little girls who giggle whenever they are in the water.
13. Sweeping my daughter through the river water as she clings to me
14. visit alone to my small town library
15. Sharing blackberry cobbler with D at the Hillsville country store
16. Remembering we were hear a year after our marriage, a year after Dorathea, now a year after Jonathan.
18.  holding onto my favorite little girl hand as we hike

19. little chubby boy who rushes at his mommy head first to get a hug
20. Daddy who loves to carry his children on his back Clean and Asleep babies home from the lake

31.  Many Girlfriends by the lakewater
32. Babies gathered around us in the sand
33. "Mom, I had so much fun today!"
34.  Chorus of Chinese ladies giggling and talking with a talkative Dorathea
37.  Child's pose with Dorathea
38.  Sit ups a baby on my feet and on in the air
40. Father-Daughter Tennis
41. Little boy who stands at the door and says bye bye when you put his shoes on
42. Dorathea tickling Jonathan with bear paws of her bear costume,
43. Boys with a lion costume on who wag their tails as they hug you 
45. Cute bear and lion on the couch laughing

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Virginia Beach June 2010

Day 1, We greet long lost cousins and we Rutherford girls get back in the swing of being together, all is calm, everyone is peaceful.

Day 2  out to the sweltering beach we treck, baby in backpack, over the tall sand dunes with Grandma, Hunter, and Rose. We all sit in a row where the surf foam lines the sand, laughing as it chills us.  Jonathan is a scared little clinging koala , Dorathea is apprehensive, "Don't go out too far" she tells us. Our feet burn on the sand on the way back.
Day 3 Spend the day around the pool.  Jonathan and Harper coo and splash at one another.  Jonathan decides the water is ok since Harper likes it.  He consents to letting me swim around with him on a float.  Ahhh floating with a baby, bliss.   Later alone I watch the twilight colors from the lovely pool.
Day 4 Everyone goes to the beach.  All the children dig in the sand.  Dorathea helps fly kites and Jonathan chases them pointing up with a chubby finger. He is mesmerized by the boats and jets his finger pointing again and again.  Chubby baby falls asleep leaning back on my chest.  I place him on a towel under the umbrella, and he sleeps soundly the ocean breeze tickling his face. We play ocean surf jumping games. I take a walk on the beach with Dorathea and search for shells.  When our hands are full we head back.
     In the afternoon the Gantt clan, Elizabeth and Evangeline and my little family go out to sample the local seafood.  My family eats crab cakes happily then we go with Elizabeth and Harper to scope out the graveyard across the street.  The names are great,
Ernestine Waterfield
Atla Watters
Cora Virginia Bonney
Tulley C. and Ruby Lane
Ollie Land
Rev. William Strawhead
Lucy Lee Land
Iris Gutheridge
Beulah Airey
Day 6 another day lounging at the pool.  Rose creates a fenced in area for baby to end the endless activity of chasing Jonathan around the pool.

Day 5 Wed Cloudy restful day, in the afternoon Hunter, Elizabeth and Evangeline

Monday, May 31, 2010

1 Timothy 6:18

Dorathea and I are learning 1 Timothy 6:18 "Be full of good works and ready to share".  This morning as we said it together and afterward she said, "Mom, I think it should be, and ready to play"

Dorathea's latest Joke

At dinner Dorathea- "I have a joke!"  Ted and Allison reply glancing at each other "Oh, ok, what is it?".  "What does the Teddy Bear say after dinner?....."   "I'm stuffed!", she laughs at her own joke and we laugh along.  :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's day trip

Ok, so we missed the train in Lynchburg that we were going to take to D.C. to see my folks.  I drove instead and new I needed something fun to do so that I wouldn't be so sulky about missing my beloved train.  Luckily there was a pick your own stawberry farm on the way.  Here is Dorathea trying to catch J and feed him a strawberry.  Notice the Blue Ridge Mountsins in the background.  The farm was beautiful and it was a lovely warm spring day.
Jonathan eating his third stawberry.  They are so warm and juicy right off the vine.
The day after we arrived Grandpa took Dorathea fishing.  This is them digging for worms.  My girl was not squimish about picking them up.
As Dorathea excitedly told me later they caught seven fish with her little Dora fishing rod.  Grandpa used them to fertilize the tomato plants. Dorathea later played princesses with her cousin Abigail.  Abagail called for her prince to save her while Dorathea called for her Grandpa and her Mommy to save her.  Grandpa later said he loved hearing Dorathea talk about him.
We went on to Grandma's (D and J's great grandmother) house the next day.  We ate an amazing though hectic Mother's Day Brunch at the Dining Hall along with my mom and sister Elizabeth.  After a much needed nap we all feasted again on Chinese Food (a family favorite) admired Mother's day cards and photos of children, then said goodnight to Elizabeth, Mom and her sweet dog Sebastian.

 The next day on my way out of town I stopped at the natural history museum in DC to see the Dinosaur bones. Dorathea had a blast telling me which dinosaur was which and we toured the animals all over the first floor.  She asked to see "two more museums" so we went to the sculpture garden next door.  I let the kids run around the fountian.  Dorathea here is leading Jonathan by the hand to the ducks.  Jonathan spent his time chasing sparrows.  It was such a beautiful day to be in the garden.
We stopped by the art museum next and saw some amazing Rodin scupltures including some little girl ballerinas with pink tutus.  We could have stayed longer, D was having a great time, but it was naptime and I wanted to get home to see some friends, so we headed back to the car.  Dorathea got an ice cream come to sweeten our departure and we were off for home and Daddy!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Too Much Sugar

While reading the newspaper at our dining room table, Dorathea handed me a toy teacup and saucer. She then poured me imaginary milk from a toy cream pitcher. Then she held up a toy sugar bowl and asked if I would like some sugar. I said, "Yes, thank you," and dipped a tiny toy spoon in the bowl, scooping a couple of times and inserting into my teacup. Dorathea chastised me with a serious face: "That's enough sugar, Daddy."

Monkey & Dixie's Luau

Dorathea asked me to join her in a game of make-believe using a basket of random small toy trinkets. She named a tiny wooden doll "Dixie" and a plastic monkey (appropriately) "Monkey". She erected a tiny plastic tree and parked a small wooden boat next to it. She announced that Dixie had arrived by boat to visit Monkey at his beach, and he would need to cook something for her to eat. I told her we could have a luau - and then explained what a luau was. Dorathea then erected a mock stove out of a wooden plank laid across two blocks, atop which she placed a miniature copper pot.
When I asked her what Monkey was making for dinner, she took a little white boardgame dice from the basket, placed it in the pot, and said "Monkey's making diced chicken." Naturally.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"When I grow up to be a teacher, will you still be my mommy and daddy?"- Dorathea

Friday, March 26, 2010


Dorathea is at this moment talking to her bug, which she has named "Coward".  "Hi Coward, how are you?It's me!. Coward you got big!  Coward, you've got to get out of there (the sink?)! Do you need help?  Oh no he's stuck!" "Coward is my pet fly mom."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

giving flowers

Dorathea begins most prayers lately with "Thank you God for giving (whomever she's praying for or with) flowers".  The first time she said this I asked her to pray with Ted and I because I was feeling down and acting grumpy.  She held hands with us and said, "Please give Mommy flowers and help her feel better".  The image of God giving me flowers made me instantly feel much better.  
I had never been a bouquet of flowers kind of person, preferring chocolate or a sweet note.  But, converted, I bought myself a bouquet soon after her first flowers prayer, and requested them for valentine's day too. God's message of giving me flowers and the 3 year old voice he choose to deliver it with have shown me he will do anything he can to give me beautiful gifts.  Now every bouquet I see is like a prayer from my child and a token of my Beloved's affection for me.  I just realized today she was telling me God was giving me flowers just before God started showing me that I am a well-watered-garden over and over again in my quiet time.  Thanks for being a divine messenger, Dorathea.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

flying and the moon

Dorathea was admiring the window boxes I put in the upstairs windows today.  As she looked out the window she said "Mommy I can stand there (on the roof) and then fly".  Panic struck me first, "No, we don't jump off the roof, we can't fly, birds can.". Then I thought she believes she can fly, how amazing.
This reminded me of the night Dorathea discovered the moon.  "Moooon"  She pointed up at it with her chubby two-year old finger.  "Come down!" she called to it.  "Come down moon!".  I laughed.  A couple months later when her talking had gotten better she said it again.  I asked, "Why do you want the moon to come down?".  "To play with me" she said.  We started singing a song at church that week that went, "Come down come, down as the praises go up" Everytime I thought of Dorathea inviting the moon to play with her.
To my child flying is reality and the moon is a playmate.  She is able to do every beautiful thing in her childish imagination.  I aspire to be like her.  

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

filling the empty spaces

Dorathea lost her voice this week but the house was not quiet.   Jonathan made more than enough sounds filled up all the empty spaces.  He laughed wildly when he said "Ju" for juice on Monday.   Playing thier own version of hide and seek he chased Dorathea around the house soon saying "Det" for the first time for Dorathea.  One morning as his head popped up over the horizon of the couch arm he said "Hi Dada!".  He has been one talking, walking, chasing, singing, catching, yelling, laughing ball of energy this week. 


On Valentines day Sunday we were walking back in the house and Dorathea turned to me and said, "Mommy, I love you"  out of the blue.  "Oh," I said "That's sweet! What made you say that?"  she replied, "God".

Dorathea in the dress she wore Sunday for the Princess dance with Mommy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Jonathan will get down on one knee when he wants his mommy put his hands together and scoot toward me saying "Mumaaaa!" in is low baby voice.  "Muma" cannot resist this.