Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving trip 2014 part 2

This Thanksgiving was smaller. We stayed nearby my ninety year old grandmother while my mom is in San Francisco with her newest grandaughter. The days filled with visits to Grandma's retirement village. We ventured out Saturday to work off all the dining hall meals on a local hike. Leesylvania park is right on the Potomac river. We picked a trail by the sand. 
The kids pockets quickly filled with shells.

The driftwood was bleached white and the shells were black.

Dorathea kept exclaiming, "how beautiful!" The sun shining on the water and the sand and gulls made for a hike more spectacular than usual.

Today we packed up then went to brunch with Grandma and then hung out with my youngest sister and her little family.

When my niece Violet got to Grandma's the giggles broke out. So did the silly hats.

Grandma got a silly hat too, and a computer tutorial from Elizabeth.

The one below got photo bombed by Jonathan.
Now we are on our way home again.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

We woke up to snow the day before Thanksgiving. 3 inches on the ground and more wet fluffy snow falling. Daddy went to work and we drank hot cocoa.

The snowy highway made us change our plans to drive up to see my Grandma on Thanksgiving day.

 So the next day we set off. The roads were clear but the blue ridge mountains were covered in snow and a beautiful fog. The earthe was cloaked in white above and below. It was a peaceful drive.
Dorathea said, "Let's sing "over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go!" I replied, "I used to sing that song with my mom on the way to Grandma's house when I was little. D said "the same one?". 
"Yes" I said.

Thier great grandmother is ninety years old. This year it was just my younger twin sisters and I and our families for Thanksgiving and it is a treat to get so much time one on one with my Grandmother and sisters.

We ate and laughed together at a fancy Thabksgiving and Grandmas dining hall. and then snuggled into the couch to watch a movie before bed.