Saturday, October 24, 2015

Then and Now

This is our favorite spot on the Appalachian Trail. We always see through hikers.  We are always amazed at how pretty it is. We've been here at least every year since I was pregnant with D.  This time we thought a lot about how the years are passing.


and Now

D raced over the hills saying, "Do you think the ladder will still be there?" Three different ladders used to lead hikers across farmer's fences.  Most were taken down this year. We were glad part of our favorite one (by the oak tree) was still there.

As cute as they were, I wouldn't go back.  I enjoy who these kids are becoming. The same sweet spirits, just bigger!

Next on to the Palisades!!! Birthday dinner for Ted.
We listened to a live Bluegrass band, and gosh these kids are so old they mostly entertained themselves. 

Happy Fall!

Hanging with the Pumpkins

We had fun thinking about the new baby who will join these two little pumpkins in the patch next year. 

Dorathea choose her pumpkin first.
 "I'm going to put a My Little Pony face on it." she said.

 Ted tries to get Dorathea to choose a squash. 
"I am NOT getting a SQUASH Daddy!"

Jonathan puts his beaver hat to use as a pumpkin holster.

Then he makes a Pumpkin man with this very useful hat.

 Ted chooses his pumpkin (after much more deliberation then the kids gave theirs).

Dorathea decided she is going to give her bunny this little pumpkin after she carves it.  
Then she acted out what the bunny will look like eating it.

Pumpkins loaded! We petted some animals in the petting zoo, played pumpkin bowling.  Then we saw our friends the Farmers! 

What an extra treat!

We left at sunset, finishing off the day with Due South BBQ and the music of a live blues singer performing there. We lingered there too.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

We are growing by one little Key.

Forgive me for not posting in a while, I've been sick lately (since June God help me) for a very good reason. 
Meet baby Keys #3. When we told the kids Jonathan immediatly started referring to this new sibling as his brother.  
"When I am nine my bwotha can pway legos with me right mom?" 
I tried to tell him we wouldn't know if it was a boy or girl for a while.

Dorathea has told me many times that she is really excited about this little one. One day I asked her why and she said emphatically, "Because it's going to be a member of our Family!!" She has just started cooking for the family, and is excited about being my post partum chef. I can relate because when I turned ten I learned to cook too because my mom had twins that year!

Without further ado;

 Can I tell you Jonathan did a Ninja-type victory dance in the ultrasound room?  Then he said, "I win!".

 Thanks for celebrating with us!- Allison