Friday, July 24, 2015

Accessories for your cc Foundations Guide

 I am so excited about my new to me, tricked out Foundations Guide!

Last year when I was getting ready to tutor Foundations I had an old sorry 2nd Edition. This year a friend sold me her pristine 4th Edition and I wanted to keep it that way!  I worried about it's fragile cover coming apart from the spine and getting dog eared. 

 I wanted to cover it so I looked through some old office supplies and found this; A letter writing set my dad brought home from Egypt back in the seventies!  Now, the guide fits perfectly in it, It lives again!

I slid the guide into the place where paper is supposed to fit. 
My timeline cards fit perfectly in the pouch!

And it's Egyptian, perfect for studying ancient cultures this year!

Now to Cover the spine!
I had this lovely duck tape I scored at the Dollar Tree that matched (mostly).

I loosely measured the spine and cut two pieces then overlapped them parallel long wise.

Then I turned those two pieces over and put one piece in the center.  
If I were to do this again I would have used two pieces overlapped. It sticks just a tiny bit.

Still it works nicely enough that I'm not starting over!

I taped it carefully on the spine, then trimmed the extra tape at each end.
Im amazed at how lovely duck tape makes a notebook look like a  book book.


I always floundered in class trying to get to the memory work, then tin whistle section, then science quickly.

This year I added 4 satin ribbon bookmarks for fast flipping.

I cut four ribbons about four inches longer then the book.

Then I opened to the last page and tied them to the second spiral. 
Very easy!

I also used this idea I picked up on Pinterest, you can follow my cycle 1 board here,

She used washi tape to edge her pages (again they have it at the Dollar Tree and Walmart).

I thought this would help me find the different cycles, and subjects, plus ITS SO CUTE!
I'm not quite finished yet though. So many washi tapes to buy.

I can't tell you how pleased I am with it.  Not only does it function better for me, but it looks like something the captian of a ship would use.

Hope some of these ideas work for you too, Enjoy!