Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter 2011

German is about to be packed up to make her debut at the Easter Egg hunt.  Jonathan tries to sooth her anxiety with dandelions.

Sweet boy, he knows she loves to eat flowers.

Who let that bunny out anyway?  It's ok, she's on a leash.  It is very much fun to let your bunny hop around the yard while you walk her on a leash.

The kids think it's fun to hop along too.

Jonathan has a knack for being gentle, especially for a two year old boy.

The egg hunt;

Jonathan gets to work hunting

He finds more than his sister

Dorathea gets discouraged at not finding the prize egg and finds a place to hide away instead (and eat candy)

German (the rabbit) gets to sit on many laps and have her picture taken a lot.  We pack her and us all up and go home to await her cousin the Easter Bunny tomorrow, "He will come and visit German tonight."  Dorathea says.

Birthday Morning

The morning of D's 5th birthday.  The surprise has been said and the presents have been opened.  But we blow out birthday morning candles in blueberry bread with pink icing.

Just another special moment to mark her birthday

And here she is with her lovely new apron and her decorated jewelry box, "I'll put all my rings in it!" she says excitedly.  Happy Birthday again and again, because you never stop being special.  xoxoxo Mommy

Easter 2011