Monday, April 3, 2017

On the (sometimes lonley) road to Memory Masters

My kids are a bit...different. Of course we homeschool (read; not because we are in a religious cult or doing some social experiment on our kid. My two oldest just happen to be most able to learn at  home. More about that here.

Of course currently they could care less about sports, any kind of lessons, or clubs too. Sometimes this bothers me when I let fear creep in and tell me they are missing out. But they are geeky/creative and quirky, which of course they totally get from thier father. Sometimes being different means we are in our own world over here in Keys-land though and it does get lonely at times. 

Keys-land is not boring though. The kids are taking care of thier pets (currently a cat and four ducks), They love drawing, lego creating, writing songs, dancing, and of course the dreaded and highly controlled screen time; (they watch national geographic's animal jam, minecraft (we like skrafty!), lego shows, or youtube videos about these things) . And then thier are the other hybrids of those geeky creative interests (think making a video of your toys singing homeschool songs). Here is one they collaborated on.

They also love thier homeschooling class, Classical Conversations, on Thursdays. This class is a win win win for me because every Thursday they learn info in seven subjects from thier amazing tutors (Latin, English, Timeline, History, Science, Math and Geography). They also get to do a science and an art project every week (It is haaaard to teach music theory and do science projects at home!).You can see the video here!
Jonathan's artwork from Classical Conversation's Famous Artists class. He calls it "Jonathan Studies Flowers"
Also they have lunch with friends and then run around on the playground with them after class (sometimes for hours). Jonathan learned to ride a bike during this lunch time last fall.
A drawing of Asia by D. (influenced highly by her pet ducks). D and J draw creative versions of the geography to help them remember all the places. 
In keeping with our geeky/creative style, instead of  competing at sports and clubs this year D decided to try to earn the Memory Master title at Classical Conversations. To be a Memory Master she has to memorize ALL the over 500 pieces of memory work in Latin,Geography , Science, History, a history timeline, and Math. Here is a summary of each sentence or fact she has to learn to earn Memory Master;You can see her Geography reciting here.

We are in the home stretch and no matter if she makes it through the 4 two-hour reciting tests we are so proud of her. She and J have worked so hard! J can tell you the 3 laws of Thermodynamics, and Motion! Here he is reciting his favorite history sentence. But as they don't get to do these things in front of lots of smiling faces (just me and sometimes dad) I wanted to share these videos (like this one of D singing the Presidents, she cried when she first got it all the way through!)and hope you would help cheer us on. We are homeschooling our hearts out over hear in our little strange Keys world. Sometimes it gets a little lonely being quirky. Thanks!