Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day #2 Arriving at the beach
Spring became thicker and thicker around us as we travelled south.  

Vacation 2011 day 1

Vacation day #1 staying at Aunt Kim and Uncle Bob's house in Chattanooga on our way down south.  We left the snow this morning to afternoon forsythia and trees flowering around us and I breath the spring green smells. We arrived in the early afternoon.  Their house is so lovely and relaxed.  We felt at home right away, as always.  The kids were drawn out to the sprawling yard where they were sheperded by Oreo the dog.

We had a yummy home cooked meal and a good night's sleep on the boy's beds who are away to college just now.  In the morning I woke early and stole some quiet time away on the porch with scripture and my book. 
 I counted my blessings along with Ann Voscamp's book, only I never use numbers :) Thank you God for Kristie and Bob and thier easy going hospitality.  Thank you for a beautiful yard to run in as we rest from the car ride today.

Then I join my daughter who is climbing the big magnolia tree. 
 I climb up and look down at her.  "Mommy I'm climbing  a tree just like I dreamed I did!" she says from the branch 1ft off the ground.

I look down at her and hug the sweet tree.  It has the same personality as my husband I think.  He is  a strong, safe, welcoming congenial, southern man.  If you've ever climbed a Magnolia you undersand what I mean.  She picks wildflowers to leave with a thank you note for Aunt Kim

and Jonathan chases the dog around the yard.
and  I think spring at my feet now and by the evening we'll be breathing salty beach air.