Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

 Last night I was frustrated.  I asked myself why I devote 24/7 to homeschooling and homemaking.  What's the point of spending myself with no pay and what I thought was little good to my family.

Then I woke up to chocolate covered strawberries delivered from my little sister (and a mommy herself).  Mmmm, I had a chocolate covered strawberry breakfast! 

Ted gave me a card that made me cry it was so sweet, and gave me more chocolate (that I used as decoy chocolate so I wouldn't have to share the strawberries, shhh.)

 I thought about skipping church because I still had a self-pity hangover from the night before.  

Then bam! 

Church today was completely dedicated to honoring moms and helping them know they are seen and honored by God.  So I cried a lot (again).  

I realize now Saturday night had been an attack on my decision to spend these years investing in my kids.  

Feelings of worthlessness and the things I lack in this season of my life covered up the truth. 

The truth is I am a (see photo below);
I have a wonderful (24/7, intense, life changing, really hard and sometimes near impossible, occasionally disgusting) job.  

The truth is I am paid by the honor the Lord gives me.  That Honor cloaks me like a queen's robe.  

It makes what I do beautiful.

 After church, in the most beautiful spring day of the year, my kids set a beautiful table for a Mother's Day Picnic.

I made the food, and they decorated (and asked if they could eat my chocolate incessantly).

After lunch I handed Jonathan the camera, and he took my picture;

That's what I look like from Jonathan's view.  He also took pictures of my shadow.  Which is funny because he is my little shadow.  He will often come find me saying "I'm a lonely!".

Here's little Peter Pan's shadow self portrait;

His photo of the treetops;

and our picnic;

Then Dorathea took over the camera and photographed me.

She had busied herself in the craft closet as I told her Lunch was ready saying,
"Mommy you can't hurry an artist."

"Actually you can." I said

"But it doesn't work very well."  she countered.

5 minutes into lunch she brought out her creation saying, "Sorry Mommy. I couldn't fit in 'Mother's Day.'"

But I think it was prophetic.

 She was naming me.

I am a Happy Moms.

  I kissed her and told her this was even better, because it's who I am.

Galatians 6:9 
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Thank you for Mother's day my little family!-   Allison