Tuesday, May 12, 2015

On the care of Bunnies and the prayers of children.

Meet Beatrix Benjamin Bunny
or Benjamin Beatrix depending on her sex
The kids have been pouring over tutorials on keeping pets for days. Dorathea made a long list of name prospects in a little pink notebook that she toted with her to the Rabbit farm today.

She asked me if she could have a rabbit as a pet last week.  I told her, pray and ask God.

I did this knowing that I was giving her a weapon.  Asking God.

 A friend of mine told me she knew as a child that God answered her prayers because every time she asked for a pet one would invariably appear on her doorstep soon after.  Prayer in the hands of a child is powerful, and to a parent who doesn't want pets, a dangerous thing.

I however, have a hankering for a pet too.

Later that day she told our Landlord/ Farmer friend about her plan.  He said, "I can give you one of my rabbits."

That is what happens when a child of God prays ladies and gentlemen.

So bonus she got to go to the Farmer's farm on the other side of town and meet 30 or more happy rabbits to choose from.  I was a little intimidated for a second at that many rabbits moving toward me, but only for a second they are after all, adorable rabbits.

 The kids were watching over Beatrix Benjamin in the kitchen as I took this photo.  I heard Jonathan give her advice as he left the bunny in Dorathea's capable hands,


Bunnies and my children, both overwhelmingly adorable.
                                                                                             - Allison