Wednesday, February 17, 2010

filling the empty spaces

Dorathea lost her voice this week but the house was not quiet.   Jonathan made more than enough sounds filled up all the empty spaces.  He laughed wildly when he said "Ju" for juice on Monday.   Playing thier own version of hide and seek he chased Dorathea around the house soon saying "Det" for the first time for Dorathea.  One morning as his head popped up over the horizon of the couch arm he said "Hi Dada!".  He has been one talking, walking, chasing, singing, catching, yelling, laughing ball of energy this week. 


On Valentines day Sunday we were walking back in the house and Dorathea turned to me and said, "Mommy, I love you"  out of the blue.  "Oh," I said "That's sweet! What made you say that?"  she replied, "God".

Dorathea in the dress she wore Sunday for the Princess dance with Mommy.