Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hope is Alive! Happy Easter!

Guess what??  Spring is here!  as we celebrate Easter at the Key's house,   

The long harsh winter is over. 

 If March has been in like a lion in 2013, it must be a snow lion.  We still have snow melting on the lawn.  

We've had some dark days, some very dark moods, and some hard circumstances. 

But I hear a mantra in my head of, "Hope is alive, Joy is Now,".   

Foreclosure, losing a job, being scamed, worrying constantly  if we will make it through all this as a family.  Or if we will be broken bitter people when all this is done. 

But you know what I don't care about my circumstances anymore.  

It's time for joy and I won't settle for despair!  

So even before the warm front blew through Ted and I have been feeling the warmth of Joy. 

Not the kind from everything going well or our own accomplishments, but that deeper Joy from our Hope in Jesus.  

This hope comes from a deep knowing that He has seen us through before and he will again.

Without further ado, here is part of our Easter celebration;

 little man soon lost his suit jacket
 He is proud of his egg hunting prowess
 See the snow lingering by the shed?
 Divying up the eggs and candy

God is good!  Can't wait to see more of his faithfulness.

we are filled with Joy.
