Tuesday, November 1, 2011

All Hallow's Eve 2011

Yesterday we watched old Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans songs and Laurie Berkner's "We are the Dinosaurs" songs on You Tube to get into character.  
 Dorathea is a cowgirl as she would tell you because she is going to be one when she grows up.  One day as we were looking at a United States map she looked at me sadly and said, 'It's too bad", "I will have to live far away when I grow up".  "Why?" I asked.  "Because I will be a cowgirl so I will live in Texas.  That's where cowgirls live."
 Jonathan's well practiced "Rooaarrr!"
 We trick or treated around the block with Dorathea galloping along on Rhea, her trusty horse.

 Healthy snacks to get ready for the onslaught of candy.
 Greeting the girl next door.
Last night we four had a great time seeing the neighborhood and collecting candy.  Today we are counting candy bars, reading every candy wrapper, and learning about trading and bartering.  Mommy is getting a treat out of Halloween too.