Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Isaiah finds his toes!!!

 Breaking news!
Isaiah made two adorable new friends.

His feet. And he has been playing with these cuties all day.

He is completely enamored with them and who can blame him?

Here is Jonathan when he made the same discovery;
And here is Dorathea;

 All so cute!
This one wins the contest for most hair though!

Life is good when you have ten pink toes and a head full of faux-hawk hair.
Dream of where you will go with them sweet Isaiah.

Mother Nature's Son

We live in a beautiful neighborhood right where the town meets the farmland. There are two organic farms right in our backyard! Nearly every day I take a walk to the end of our road pushing the stroller and look over the rolling farmland and watch the sun set. I decided to take a basket along for some sunset pictures of Isaiah. 
 We have used this basket as a changing pad but I fear he's about to outgrow it!
I grabbed the pillow from my bed. 

The last of the "little bed" photos. He's outgrown the doll bed too!

Love this Nature's Son. He is a calm and happy baby when I take him outside. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Isaiah Loves