Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning 2011

Christmas 2011

Tiptoeing down the stairs at 8'o clock
What do we find?

Treasures beneath the tree

His favorite gift, a ridable boat with action figures.

 Hers a toss up between a giant pink unicorn, and a rideable pony with pink hair.  We perused names in the Name Dictionary and she decided on Allison and Una respectively.

 Jonathan got a motorized Thomas the train.

 The table is set for a breakfast feast, with nativity playmobile in the middle, for during breakfast play.

Mmm, homeaid cinnamon rolls and cheddar sausage with milk.

 An after-breakfast snack of orange chocolate while lounging
 Selecting an orange from the birdcage-lamp.  Doesn't she look like an angel?

And now, time to sing Happy Birthday Jesus!

I surprised them with the cake colors!


... and mommy gets her sought after percolator!

 The night before, eager toys that are at this minute, in loving arms.

Merry Christmas love the Keys!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

On the Third Day of Christmas...

My true love gave to me, 1 cleaning trolley.  
I decided to give out a few toys that would be useful here and there this month that might not be as exciting side by side with our Christmas morning presents.

I've been eyeing this toy from the Dollar Store for a year, and this week it went on sale for 15 dollars.  It's a pint-sized cleaning trolley.    And it was a giant hit.  I showed them how to mop, and they are at this minute cleaning and mopping their room.  
Dorathea was so busy I couldn't get her still for a picture.  Jonathan loves to push the cart around.  And put things back on the little hooks as he picked up.  

The kids spent much of the morning at the VeggieTales website, watching new videos and playing games.  When Dorathea found a crown she wanted on the activities page, I told her to read the advent card for today which said,
 "6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, 
   and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the greatness of his government and peace    there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne    and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it    with justice and righteousness    from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty    will accomplish this." Isaiah 9:6-7
It's instructions said;
"Wear a crown today for you are a child of the king! "

Thank you Jesus, and VeggieTales for the seg-way!  Now the kids are mopping, and sweeping with crowns on.  :)

 Oh yes and as a side note, I found a great place to put the bag of oranges that won't fit in the fridge;
Bonus; the kids keep opening the door and taking oranges out to snack on.

Their might be challenges as we are petitioning  God for provision right now in our little home,
but at least their is peace and joy in our family.   That's not really an at least is it?  It's really the best.

 Thank you Prince of Peace for being in charge of my home.  I'm glad you decided to come down here to make life beautiful and bearable by being Emmanuel "God with us".
- Allison

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

All Hallow's Eve 2011

Yesterday we watched old Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans songs and Laurie Berkner's "We are the Dinosaurs" songs on You Tube to get into character.  
 Dorathea is a cowgirl as she would tell you because she is going to be one when she grows up.  One day as we were looking at a United States map she looked at me sadly and said, 'It's too bad", "I will have to live far away when I grow up".  "Why?" I asked.  "Because I will be a cowgirl so I will live in Texas.  That's where cowgirls live."
 Jonathan's well practiced "Rooaarrr!"
 We trick or treated around the block with Dorathea galloping along on Rhea, her trusty horse.

 Healthy snacks to get ready for the onslaught of candy.
 Greeting the girl next door.
Last night we four had a great time seeing the neighborhood and collecting candy.  Today we are counting candy bars, reading every candy wrapper, and learning about trading and bartering.  Mommy is getting a treat out of Halloween too.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sinkland Farms 2011

Pumpkin patch day, Can I say that I know everyone goes out a pumpkin patch, but our local Sinkland Farms is the most beautiful place with amazing mountain views.  I would go there even without kids, and might try that if they perform a midsummer night's dream again next year.  It's a little later in October than we usually go out.   It's a beautiful blue sky, bright pumpkin day, and our friends Karen and Doug join us.
walking out to the fields,

 There was a lot of disscussion about what is a squash?  what is a gourd?  Reminds me of one of my fall favorite books, The Ugly Pumpkin

 Some of the gourds make music
 oh, horses!  We said hello and bye bye to them.
 Karen throws kettle corn to Jonathan
 Pony!  Jonathan says, "Hurse, seat!" and looks longingly at the pony rides.  So we said "no",

and move on to the buggy rides.  This beauty has rainbow feathers in her hair.
 They enjoy a ride
 Jonathan doesn't look sure, but he has a great time.
 Then Dorathea learns some cowgirl tricks.  Which is good as that is her chosen profession.

Now onto Pumpkin Chunkin!
And climbing  the hay bale stack.

 And of course wooden cow "milking"
 Full of kettle corn and tired from a day at the farm we head home.

Goodbye scarecrow, Goodbye Sinkland Farms.