Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning 2011

Christmas 2011

Tiptoeing down the stairs at 8'o clock
What do we find?

Treasures beneath the tree

His favorite gift, a ridable boat with action figures.

 Hers a toss up between a giant pink unicorn, and a rideable pony with pink hair.  We perused names in the Name Dictionary and she decided on Allison and Una respectively.

 Jonathan got a motorized Thomas the train.

 The table is set for a breakfast feast, with nativity playmobile in the middle, for during breakfast play.

Mmm, homeaid cinnamon rolls and cheddar sausage with milk.

 An after-breakfast snack of orange chocolate while lounging
 Selecting an orange from the birdcage-lamp.  Doesn't she look like an angel?

And now, time to sing Happy Birthday Jesus!

I surprised them with the cake colors!


... and mommy gets her sought after percolator!

 The night before, eager toys that are at this minute, in loving arms.

Merry Christmas love the Keys!